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Prosperity Begins with a Plan
"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve."
— Napoleon Hill

This simple yet powerful concept, first espoused by Napoleon Hill nearly a century ago, has many times over proven to be a blueprint for prosperity.  For many, prosperity equates to riches.  However, Napoleon Hill went on to identify Twelve Riches of Life, only one of which—financial security—deals with money.  The remaining riches describe you and your relationship with others and the world around you.

The Prosperity Coin, by Mastermind Solutions, is intended to help you truly internalize these concepts, to make them your own and keep you on the path to prosperity.  The plant in nurturing soil symbolizes growth.  The three words:  "Conceive", "Believe" and "Achieve" summarize what you must do to realize this growth.  Your designation is represented by the stars—one of each of the Twelve Riches of Life.

Carry the Prosperity Coin with you.  Each time you see it or touch it, it will serve as a reminder of your personal prosperity goals and what you need to do to reach them.